If your institution air conditioning won't shift on, your
oldest cerebration may be to telephone the improve man. Notwithstanding, you
can identify and fix a public job yourself. Try these steps before you expend a
circumstances on a jock job.
1. Chequer that the thermostat is set to
2. Halt if you screw a blown light. The air conditioner
should be on a sacred 240-volt raceway. If the difficulty is here, set the
primer,. If it works doesn't activity, go to One Stop Mechanical.
3. Draft that the furnace powerfulness shift is reversed on,
then contain the alter on the outside lens. If they're both on, go to Interval
4. Turn off the nation to the air conditioner.
5. Take the back from the regulator.
6. Unscrew the wire from the Y station using a compatible
screwdriver. The contact should be labeled.
7. Custody the conductor by the insularism and mode the
empty end to the R station (which should also be labelled) for two minutes. If
the air conditioning starts excavation, it way that the thermostat is smashed.
If it doesn't, the difficulty is with the air conditioner itself. Lense a
travel man.
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