Saturday 10 October 2015

Permanent Hair Removal Methods

Waxing, shaving, and plucking all produce hair removal which is temporary.

Shaving is by far the most common method of hair removal for both men and women. Because this technique destroys the hair follicle, it is considered a permanent hair removal method.

Waxing is another very popular method of body hair removal but as with shaving this is not a permanent hair removal solution. It is an inexpensive method of hair removal although good quality tweezers are needed. In most cases this hair removal method is permanent.

Sugaring: This hair removal method is inexpensive and generally kind to the skin as sugaring pastes are natural. Recent research reveals that females the world over practice sugaring as their chosen method of hair removal. Sugaring is supposedly a less painful hair removal method than waxing. Best Best permanent hair removed methods, such as the electric hair removal was the only method allowing for prolonged removal of unsightly hair.

Laser: Several of the newer lasers have clearly documented that there is permanent hair reduction after each treatment. The FDA has approved several lasers for permanent hair reduction, and more results with additional lasers are pending. The results tend to be additive, i.e. more treatments lead to greater degrees of permanent hair reduction. For any given patient results cannot be precisely predicted. Results can be variable, even with the best lasers.

It is impossible to predict the exact result a patient will achieve with laser hair removal, especially with regard to how many sessions a given individual will require. Many of the hair removal clinics which guaranteed results have gone out of business. Like most reputable medical practices, the most established laser hair removal practices do not guarantee results.

Established medical centers with excellent reputations do not discount their fees. Patients know their reputations and rely upon their experience and expertise. The same is true for laser hair removal. Consumers are advised, as with all forms of medical care, to seek the center of highest quality, rather than lowest cost. Laser hair removal requires exacting science, individual attention, experience, and a trained, caring, professional staff.

Related Post: PermanentHair Removal Through Laser Hair Removal Therapy

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