Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Wedding Dress Embellishments

If you will use a brooch or piece of decorative jewelry at the point where fabric is gathered, or similar ornament, they have materials for making those, so you can use matching ones nearby, like on an edging, sprinkled in a v in the center or a sweetheart neckline, etc.

Where you see a bead that is clearly labelled - comes in A grade, B grade  etc, always get the higher grade for sewing notions or jewelry.  The less than perfect ones are cheaper and fine for kids crafts, and stage costumes only seen at a distance.

    Otherwise, whether sold at a discount price or not, all are high quality beads.

    They have a Gallery of ideas, as well as bridal / wedding pages and "Pearls of Wisdom"  plus pages on using crystals.    These help if looking to make an embellishment in a set pattern, rather than something like scattered crystals.

    For example, if you want to use shorter and longer crystals around an edging to give a radiant effect, or bead an edge to end in a faceted pendant bead in a V neck , looking at necklaces where they specify sizes of every component will tell you materials to use.  Often for a dress, you would want to recreate the effect with much smaller beads than a necklace, but still having idea patterns to look at helps. (on blue)  Then a random scattering of tiny glass beads would bea shimmery effect around it.  Or buy a lace motif for the center of a neckline, and sew diamond crystals on top.

Or if you will have a bustled train, or a detached one, you may have Wedding Embellishments with a center faceted pendant bead - lift the pendant, and underneath will be the hook that holds up a caught up portion of the skirt, out of sight when the skirt is not bustled.    This necklace type pendant with a line of pearls would be an idea:

 It is 9 small beads and a pendant, and the whole thing might be 3/4 of an inch over a gathering of fabric,  smaller or larger if beads like those on either side were at an edging and the pendant center front neck.

    First, threaded together like a bit of jewelry, then the ends sewn in place either side of the 1st bead, so as you move the crystal catches the light where it hangs free.  Simple, very effective.

  I used to do beading work on wedding dresses, and it is like working with mosaic tiles, a tiny  pattern repeated many times has a greater overall impact.  Harder to imagine if you have never seen examples.   So use the idea pages even if you do not get these particular beads.

    Also - no matter what craft magazines and sites tell you,  DO NOT hot glue any embellishments.  Crystals will crack, and as fabric moves, they will peel off while wearing the dress, though they were fine on the hanger.

    If you also want lace embellishments or rhinestones and do not find them locally, I can look for some sites for you.  Unlike crystal and beads, I find looking at lace in person, holding it to fabric, best,  But if not available locally, then ordering works.

Related Post: Types Of Wedding Dress Embellishments

Thursday, 17 January 2013


In 2013 a mixtape without a buzz is considered 'Mp3 Junk' luckly at voiceoverdrops we turn your sound into 'Mp3 Gold'.

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Creating a great mixtape album cover will require three things. The first is to create an idea to make a mixtape cover that shapes your entire project.

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Quality DJ Name Drops are hard to come by, that's why we provide Free Studio Mastering on every order.

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Related Post: DJ Name Drops: All You Need To Know 

Friday, 11 January 2013

How to Convert Any Type of Audio in Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player (WMP) is a digital media player software application distributed by Microsoft, and included with most versions of the Windows operating system. WMP is designed to play digital media, such as audio and video files, and includes an extensive file cataloging system. The standard release of WMP is not intended for use as an audio file conversion tool, and is limited in terms of the types of audio files it can recognize.

Additionally, the standard release does not include some of the necessary codecs and decryption tools required for playing DVDs, copying (ripping) media files, and burning CDs. However, WMP can be expanded to perform all of these functions by installing a series of add-ons or expansions, which are distributed over the Internet by a variety of developers at no charge to the consumer. This article provides detailed instructions on how to expand the features and capabilities of Windows Media Player in order to convert, play, rip or burn nearly any type of audio file.

Download and install a codec pack for Windows Media Player. One of the most common sources for compatibility related issues with Windows Media Player can be resolved by the addition of a codec pack. The term codec refers to a software component responsible for encoding and decoding audio files for playback. There a numerous types of codecs that may need to be installed in order to play, rip or burn audio files in Windows Media Player. A codec pack will contain most of the codecs required to play audio files.

If You want Youtube mp3 converter online so Perform an Internet search using the keywords "WMP codec pack" to produce a number of freeware codec pack add-ons that will allow Windows Media Player to process nearly any type of audio file.
Follow the instructions for download and installation. Once installed, the program will integrate with Windows Media Player automatically, allowing playback and conversion of most audio files, regardless of the codec used for encryption.

Download a decoder plug-in for Windows Media Player. Windows Media Player does not allow media files with Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection to be transcoded. In order to burn, rip or format DRM-protected files, a third-party decoder plug-in must be installed.
Perform an Internet search using the key words "WMP decoder plug-in" to produce a list of freeware and shareware decryption programs.
Follow the instructions for download and installation. The program will integrate with Windows Media Player and decrypt DRM-protected files automatically once installed.

Download and install an AAC directshow filter for Windows Media Player. This is an important step for iTunes and iPod users because the AAC format used by Apple is not compatible with Windows Media Player. Once installed, an AAC directshow filter will integrate with Windows Media Player so that files with the AAC format can be played, copied or formatted automatically.
Perform an Internet search using the key words "AAC directshow filter" to produce a list of freeware and shareware decryption programs.
Follow the instructions for download and installation. The program will integrate with Windows Media Player, allowing the program to recognize the AAC file format used by Apple's iTunes.
Use the Rip Feature to Convert Files in Windows Media Player

Open Windows Media Player to use the rip feature for file conversions. Once the required add-ons have been installed, the Windows Media Player rip feature can be used to copy audio files from a CD onto a computer's hard drive. Windows Media Player will automatically convert the files to the specified format and add the selected tracks to the WMP library.

Open the Options dialog box. Click the Now Playing tab, and select "More options" from the pull-down menu to open the Options dialog box.

Click the "Rip Music" Tab located in the Options dialog box.

Select a conversion file type. Click on the "Format Windows Media Audio" menu-box. Select from 1 of the 5 options available in the pull-down menu: WMA, WMAP (variable bit rate), WMA Lossless, MP3 or WAV Lossless.
Use WMA for playback on your PC. While some may find the large file size of the WMA format problematic, it provides the highest sound quality of the available formatting options.
Use WMAP or WMA Lossless when converting files for play on portable devices. The WMAP format is designed to maximize the audio quality, while reducing the file size for storage on devices with limited capacity. The WMA Lossless format also optimizes audio files between size and quality, but takes considerably more time to process than WMA or WMAP files.
Use MP3 or WAV Lossless file types when compatibility with other programs and devices is the priority. MP3 is the most compatible of all the file types. However, a significant loss in audio quality may occur during the MP3 conversion process.

Exit the Options dialog box. Click "Apply" and then click "OK" to exit the Options dialog box.

Insert a blank CD into an empty optical drive on the computer.

Convert the file. Click the "Rip" tab on the Windows Media Player menu-bar and select "Rip" from the pull-down menu to begin the copying process. The files will be added to the Windows Media Player library automatically once the conversion is complete.

Related Post: Easily Change Audio File Formats with XRECODE

Los seguros para viajeros y su influencia en la comodidad durante el viaje

Cuando nos disponemos a afrontar un viaje, son muchos los detalles que tenemos que tener en cuenta. Y es que no solo la maleta es lo imprescindible para disfrutar de nuestro destino. Nos referimos, por supuesto, a los Seguros para Viajeros . Algo completamente necesario y que, sin lugar a dudas, tenemos que tener mucha precaución a la hora de adquirirlo. Nunca se sabe qué nos puede pasar cuando nos encontramos fuera de nuestro hogar.

Estos seguros para viajeros, en esencia, son unos contratos que lo que hacen es ofrecernos una serie de coberturas, las cuales, podemos disfrutar, de ser necesario, en nuestro destino. Estas coberturas de las que hablamos pueden ser médicas, hospitalarias, seguros de automóvil, de robo o, en el peor de los casos, incluso, de vida.

Todos estos servicios de Seguros Medicos, antes de poder ser utilizados, han tenido que ser abonados, por normal general, en el lugar de origen. Como es de esperar, cuanto mayor sea la cuantía que abonemos a la empresa aseguradora, mayor, y se supone que mejores, serán los servicios que recibamos. Sin embargo, hay que poner mucha atención en algunos detalles que pueden ser de vital importancia a la hora de contratar una de esas coberturas.

Lo primero de lo que tenemos que asegurarnos es que el importe de los Gastosmedicos, se abone, en su totalidad, antes de emprender el viaje. De este modo, y aunque puede ser un desembolso algo elevado, tendremos la seguridad de que ya disponemos de todas las coberturas que hemos seleccionado en el momento de emprender el viaje. De lo contrario, y si abonamos el seguro de manera fraccionada, corremos el riesgo de que la empresa aseguradora no acceda a ofrecer alguno de los servicios que ofertaba.

Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta es asegurarse de la aseguradora es una compañía fiable y conocida. Para ello, podemos acceder a numerosos foros sobre el tema. Allí podemos conocer la opinión de otros usuarios que como nosotros, tuvieron la necesidad de emprender un viaje con la consecuente contratación de uno de estos seguros para viajeros.

Por último hay que asegurarse de que toda la documentación referente a este seguro esté perfectamente cumplimentada y firmada. Esto nos va a permitir que, en caso de duda, o de reclamación, tengamos en nuestro poder un documento completamente legal y que obligue a la compañía aseguradora a cumplir con sus obligaciones. Es casi imposible que sin ningún documento acreditativo, nos presten la atención que necesitemos. Por ello, nuestra firma junto a la del representante de la aseguradora, nos asegura este punto.

Como vemos estos pequeños detalles nos pueden salvar de un auténtico desastre en nuestro destino ya que en muchas ocasiones estaremos en un país en el que no conozcamos a nadie y que, el único recurso que tengamos, sea este seguro que hemos contratado en nuestro punto de origen.

Related Post: Los seguros para viajeros y su influencia en la comodidad durante el viaje

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Digital Luggage Scale: Precision Voyager Review and Giveaway

Many years ago when I worked at the Frontier Airlines ticket counter there was a common occurrence that oftentimes seemed rather hilarious – or pathetic. Passengers would arrive at the airport with their bags literally bursting at the seams and as they heaved their luggage on to the big shiny scale the numbers would shoot over the airline’s weight limit. Sometimes the luggage weight would teeter only  only a pound or two over the limit while other times the bags passed the limit by ten or twenty pounds. The passengers would frantically pull out sweaters and ski boots and try to transfer the pieces into other bags. Sometimes they would give up and pay the fee while some passengers would just carry the excess item onto the plane. In hindsight, they each could have used a Precision Voyager digital luggage scale.
I’ve mentioned before how nervous I was on my return after nearly two weeks in Alaska. My luggage was much heavier than when I arrived and it’s no surprise many people feel the same way during their return flight home.
Eat Smart recently introduced us to their new Precision Voyager Digital Luggage Scales and I have to say I’m rather impressed. Not only is the scale very portable – it will slide into any flat luggage pocket – but its two-handed Smart-Grip makes it very easy to use. I won’t be surprised if fitness gurus list this luggage scale as a extra way to get some weight lifting in during a vacation.
The scale has two measurement modes: Pounds and Kilograms and can measure up to 110 pounds/50 kilograms. The scale includes a lithium battery and you don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn it off since it’s automatically programmed to turn off after 20 seconds.

Related Post: Top Tips For Saving Money While You Travel